I'd encourage you to head over and talk to some more knowledgeable people, but the Performer is a stock replacement manifold and the ports are actually smaller than some of the factory manifolds, honestly if i thought a performer got the bill i'd just try to find stock "S" factory intake. But yeas the RPM and RPM heads will be fine.
I cannot stress enough to be careful with the cam, you do not want anything single pattern. You really should talk to brent, he does custom cams, it would probably be cheaper than a shelf cam.
You do need to get into the motor and see where you are at, if you get eh heads off and find the cylinder walls or pistons are shagged you don't want to already own a cam based on 8.2:1 compression.
Also, i hesitate the mention this but a lot of 360's became 390's when the are sold, you cant tel them apart without gettin into them (you can measure stroke trough a plug hole.) And you likewise don't want a cam you picked based on 390 CID when you actually have 360 CID (decode vin on truck and then verify it is still ass 390.)
As for the EFi, you can do the Sniper 2 without an intank pump, check out my thread
https://www.fordification.com/forum/vie ... 7&start=30 starting about page 3 for how i did it, note many of the things we talk about there on the sniper 1 are fixed on the sniper 2.